# ad- ac-

ad- 朝,向

可变体为 ac-

# adapt

apt- appropriate (适合的) 的缩写

vt. / vi. 适应

adapt oneself to sth 使自己适应某事物

adaptable adj. 能够适应的,适应力强的

Listed as Least Concern as the species is very widely distributed, adaptable, currently increasing.

被列为非危物种是因为其分布很广,适应性强,且数量目前呈上升趋势。(2015 Text 3)

# addict

dict- 说

dictionary 词典(把别人说的绘成一个本子)

dictation 听写

n. 上瘾的人

vt. (使)上瘾

be addicted to … 沉迷于…

addiction 瘾,嗜好

Now he is suing the casino, charging that it should have refused his patronage because it knew he was addicted.

他正在起诉这家赌场,控告该赌场本可因他嗜赌而拒绝他的光顾。(2006 Text 2)

# adjust

just- 正好

vi. 调整

adjust oneself to … 调整以适应…

That's because they are adjusting to their new bodies and a whiole host of new intellectual and emotional chanllenges.

这是因为年轻人正在适应他们新的身体特征、大量知识和情感上的新挑战。(2003 Cloze - 完形填空)

# accelerate

celer- 轮子 -> 快速

vt. / vi. 促进;加速

acceleration n. 加速

New technology has been eating jobs forever, and always will. But there's been an acceleration.

新技术的出翔使工作岗位减少,而且会一直持续下去。但是这个过程进展已加快。(2013 Text 1)

# accommodate

com- 一起 mod- 模式

vt. 招待…的住宿;调节,适应

accommodate sb 招待住宿

accommodate change 适应变化

accommodate the situation 适应环境

And they alse need to give serious thought to how they can best accommodate such changes.

同时他们还应当思考这些年轻人该如何最好地适应这些变化。(2003 Cloze)

# accompany

company- 同伴

vt. 伴随

And finally, the public receives the new discovery and possibly accompanying technology.

最后,公众接受这个新发现和及其可能附随的技术。(2012 Text 3)

发布时间: 2019-12-13 00:31:04
更新时间: 2021-03-10 13:42:24